Saturday, March 10

green with envy . Lucky bastards

i just realized that it's summer in my coconut repubLic. damnit. and it's stiLL freezing here. it snowed again yesterday. {makes a sad face}

it's 6 am here in the noodLe kingdom {gotta be at work in two hours}. i hate this. peopLe are proLLy headed to the beaches and shit, wearing nothing but a thong and a bandana. not that i'm envious of them wearing thongs {Like eeew}. and here i am nursing my coffee wearing my canary yeLlow bathrobe at 6 fuckin am. jesus, i can't even feeL my baLLs. when yer in the tropics yer baLLs just dangLe and sway like a fuckin penduLum. but here, it's just fuckin miniscuLe Like a fuckin sunmaid raisin.

ok, i'm
green with envy. i wish i were at some warm pLace right now. swimming. running. waLking. eating icecream or Letting it meLt in my warm mouth. with 5. with my bestfriends. with my famiLy. with my paroLe officer. but noooooooo, i have to go to work and be a whore. fuck i can even hear the wind outside {think katabactic winds - i dunno if it's the right speLLing , too Lazy to check and fucknot}.

i'm thinkin...
maybe i shouLd move to a warmer country... Like argentina for exampLe {is it warm?} and be a waiter. i think i can wait on tables. or maybe serve drinks. or dance the fucking tango with some 60 something widow{/er}. i haveta go anyways, i'm gonna be Late for work.

what to do. what to do.

fag. coffee. shower. dress {think 3 kiLos of cLothing}. fag. coffee. cab.

somebody pLease save me from this winter.

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