Wednesday, November 28
And back to our regular programming
On the brighter side of things. I already told my boss that I will be resigning by the end of January next year. I'm through working for the system and shite {yeah right}. I guess I need some change. I need something new, or something sorta new or something whatever. So that means that I will be moving out of my flat coming January 2008. I'm kinda excited {OK I'M REALLY EXCITED}. I'll be moving in with a friend of mine in the downtown area. She lives in a big flat with two bedrooms, nice kitchen and a spacious living room where you can actually do cartwheels. Didn't I say she has Internet connection? {a fast one}. The only downside is that she doesn't have a bathtub. I am soooo gonna miss my bathtub. I think I'll be using my bath tub on a daily basis from tonight until late January.
I'm starting to miss my flat already.
more to come folks.
Sunday, November 18
Saturday, November 17

Brando and I are in a coffee shop right now. We've been here for over three hours now. I'm stitting here, blogging and emailing while he plays with his SLR. The coffee shop is really nice, very homey and bohemian at the same time. I like this.
A friend of mine provided a link via yahoo messenger telling me that I should check it out because it was way too funny. Lemme tell you that it was just gross. No, it's not just gross, it wasn't even remotely funny to me. Some people might even think it's funny or mildly erotic but this is not definitely my cup of tea. Don't say I didn't warn you though.
Friday, November 16
overheard in new york... one of my new obsessions.
You have to admit, us human beings love to listen to other people's conversations. Deny it if you must {I'm surely gonna do if I am asked}, but you just can't help but listen when you "accidentally" hear other people talking. Other people's business are actually interesting, especially if we just happen to overhear it in a restaurant, on a bus or the tube, or in the streets...
This is what overheard in new york is all about - overheard conversations which are waaay too funny not to be shared.
Here are some samples
Older woman: Excuse me, miss?
Girl #1: I noticed his abs. Girl #2: I noticed his ripped shirt. Girl #3: Wait, so neither of you noticed his huge erection? --F train Overheard by: Michelle
Younger woman: Yeah?
Older woman: Your veil, your burqa is very beautiful. I didn't know your people were allowed to wear it in bright colors.
Younger woman: It's not a burqa, it's a poncho. I'm Jewish. It's for the rain. I got it at TJ Maxx.
--53rd & 7th
Overheard by: PamGuy: Hey, I'm lookin' for a book.
Cashier: What will it be?
Lady behind the counter: Um, okay. Did you have any particular one in mind?
Guy, laughing: No. Hell no. I don't fuckin' read. I'm just lookin' for something I can take over to Central Park so I can get hit on by chicks who think I'm smart and shit.
Lady behind counter: Try Nietzsche.
--Barnes & Noble, Broadway between 82nd & 83rd
Customer: Large bucket, large fries, four Diet Cokes.
Cashier: Is this for here or to go?
Customer: Does it look like I can eat all that here?
Cashier: Chill, bitch... I don't know your life!
--KFC, BrooklynMother: Don't you ever do that again! [slaps child hard]
Child, calmly: Well, are you happy with yourself?
--Union Square
Overheard by: Miranda
Thursday, November 15
chilling pilgrims
Thursday, November 8
judi 16 going on 17...
Sunday, November 4
oh boy oh boy it's the soy! {Who da thunk! Edition}
1. blogging, while... 2. working on another website, while... 3. trying to write a quick email, while... 4. smoking my fourth {AND LAST} fag for the day, WHILE... 4. dancing to JUMP by the Pointer Sisters {I am eternally trapped in the 80's time warp}
Anyways, I was googling and doing my usual site hopping a while ago when I chanced upon this article from some guy named Jim Rutz who claims that soy based products {specifically soy milk} make people gay. And I quote :
Soy is feminizing, and commonly leads to a decrease in the size of the penis, sexual confusion and homosexuality. That's why most of the medical (not socio-spiritual) blame for today's rise in homosexuality must fall upon the rise in soy formula and other soy products. (Most babies are bottle-fed during some part of their infancy, and one-fourth of them are getting soy milk!) Homosexuals often argue that their homosexuality is inborn because "I can't remember a time when I wasn't homosexual." No, homosexuality is always deviant. But now many of them can truthfully say that they can't remember a time when excess estrogen wasn't influencing them.
Who da thunk!!!!!! Really! Come to think of it, I always experience this funny feeling in my stomach whenver I'm wolfing down my lunch tofu or whenever I drink soy milk. OMG!!!!!! It's giving me goosebumps right now. Somebody buy me some hetero pills fast! Ok. Mr. Rutz {who hails from the Megashift World Wide Church} claims that his sources are in fact, scientific. How can I put it gently? Ok. Well, Mr. Wino can just kiss my partly soy fed f@gg*t ass. I don't give a flying soya fuck! Tell it to the 1.4 billion Chinese people who consume soy products on a daily basis. Clearly, his sources are far more veritable than the general opinion of the scientific community {which does not exclude the positive and negative benefits of adding soy to the daily diet}. I heart soya. I may not consume it on a daily basis but I love it. And besides, I trust my sources better!