Tuesday, December 11

My ass hurts like hell. My flat smells like burnt bacon.

I had a rather long and tedious day. I had to go to the bank this afternoon to take care of some things and while I was going to the bank I had an accident. I slipped on one icy pavement. It hurt like hell. I was listening to my mp3 player and shite, walking and trying to act cool because I was listening to this podcast about Jesus {I know kinda lame but I love Jesus so sue my ass. And besides it was really a kewl lecture about the historical Jesus given by this Stanford doctor shite... I know I'm a nerd.} So yeah, I was listening to this podcast and then all of a sudden, I saw the skies open up to me {no Jesus or Holy Ghost in the guise of a dove or anything, just the sky} and my ass started hurting like hell. I fuckin slipped! In the middle of a slightly busy thoroughfare. Talk about an embarrassing situation. My first reaction was to look around if anybody was looking. Luckily a Chinese couple who was across the street were the only people who saw me. I mustered whatever dignity that I had left of me and stood up and limped to the bank. A word of advice to the people who are interested in coming to the Noddle Kingdom in the winter time, be careful of slippery and icy pavements because they are so common here. Avoid them like a plague. First it can cause serious damage to your hip or leg or back, if you happen to fall real hard {heard that one foreigner had to go to the doctor to have a hip replacement surgery or something... then again, she was a septuagenarian} and second it's really, really, really, REALLY DIRTY. Imagine frozen goo.

I got a call from Nina while I was at work. The building people were trying to get into my room because it smelled like something was burning. Turned out that my incense pot was "burning". Before I left for work, I made sure that the incense wasn't burning and shit. I always made sure that I don't leave anything burning {I had other "incidents" in the past concerning burnt pots and pans}. With the incense, I always put it out with used, dry ground coffee and it always worked and all, except today. When I asked Nina to ask the building people to open my room just to make sure, they saw my room filled with smoke and it was coming from my incense pot. The dried up coffee was burning!

I had to talk and to apologize to the building people when I went back from work and to promise them never ever ever EVER to put dried coffee on my incense pot again. WTF, I'm still gonna burn my incense.

So yeah, today was an embarrassing day for me. My ass hurts like hell and my flat smells like burnt bacon.

1 comment:

  1. There's a good book--"The Reality of Jesus." It's an interesting topic, even for atheists. What else is on your study list?
