eat me baby one more time! { volumen1 }
eating out in china can be an experience because there are so many varieties to choose from. part of mea culpa's blog is dedicated to the glory of food. oh yes. food glorious food. so i present to you the first post of Eat Me Baby One More Time. yes people, my loneliness is killing me. and omar eats when he's lonely. hehe. fuck i'm such a corn dog. whatev.
i'm starting with the korean dinner i had with wendy two weeks ago, al fresco style {since its summer here}
gimme a wave mr. barbecue man. mr. barbecue man here wanted his pic taken so we did. he's barbecuing yang rou {sheep meat} xinjiang style. xinjiang is the northwestern most province in china. its mostly populated by muslim uygurs and chinese muslims thus their love for cattle meat. xingjiang barbecue is quite popular in china, in fact it's the only known local barbecue in china. i personally prefer the filipino pork barbecue because its just utterly sinful especially with that lone square of fat waiting for you in the end.
tie ban niu rou {sizzling beef}, fried potatoes with condensed milk, chinese draft beer.
the sizzling beef is usually wrapped around a leaf of iceberg lettuce with some garlic and that ketchup like paste that you see on the left side of the pic. no need to use the fork or chopsticks, just pop them bastards into your mouth and voila! instant gratification. best if drank with chinese draft beer.
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