Thursday, January 17

New Flat. Sleeping with my laptop. Hackin and smokin.

I moved to my new place downtown about two days ago and I am starting to settle in nicely. I've just finished cleaning the floor (right after the cleaning lady left) for the 8th time. Incense is burning and candles are lit all across the living room while I type this long overdue blog entry. I'm so new age right now that I reek of essential oils and tofu. Oh yeah, I also have a roommate. Y'all know Wendy. She's not here right now, but she's prolly coming home pretty soon from work. I hope she doesn't freak out when she sees the floor. I did tell her about my cleaning habits. To tell you the truth, I'm a little scared about this arrangement. This is the first time that I'll be living with someone. I'm just glad that we're not havin sex so that relieves me of the pressure. Wendy's a total fruitfly and I'm a total nut. This living arrangement is only gonna be temporary as both of us don't want to be caught in this city coming 2009. She wants to go to Australia and I want, well, to marry the prince of Qatar (so lets cross our fingers and pubes hoping that might happen).

We did get into an understanding though {at least we're trying to, I think}. Like I can walk around in my boxers and she can vege out in front of the tv with her foam thing. We are allowed to fart in the apartment and nobody would laugh at the one who farted unless its waaaaaaaaaaaay too funny a fart. We can smoke but we have to smoke on the balcony {we're both trying to quit}. I can clean the floor as long as I want. She do reiki and flag. We cannot masturbate in the living room {so much for my coffee table fantasies}. We can listen to music of our choice. We can bring visitors over. We can come and go as we please as long as the other knows the comings and goings. So far so good. We'll have problems I'm sure but I'm sticking with the positive. I need this to be a positive experience for me so yeah. I'll post some photos of my new place when we are both done with the redecorating.

I've been workin a whole lot lately. For
the past few weeks (except for the last coupla days) I have been sleeping very late and what's worse is that I have been sleeping with my laptop beside me {my sex life in a nutshell. kidding*}. Coming Saturday, my ass is back to work so I am so going to enjoy my days off.

I've been sick lately and I've been coughin like a madman since yesterday. I know, it's prolly the smoking and I should quit it. I am actually. If only I could find some nicotine patches here. I actually asked a friend to buy some for me in Hong Kong. I'm hopin he could find some. I seriously SERIOUSLY need to stop smoking forever... like forever... FOREVERRRRRRR! {ever... ver... ver... er...}.

This is one lousy post I know. gimme a break, I haven't written a post in a very long time and I should write more.

Bye for now. I'll post more thought provoking shit next time. Cheers.

I'm curious.
If you were me, what should I post?

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