Bubble Boy
I went to the city park a few weeks ago to meet up with some friends of mine and I saw some 20 or so kids playing inside these plastic bubbles. For only 3 dollars you can be a bubble boy/girl for 20 minutes or so. They were clearly having so much fun. I was even tempted to rent one of the bubbles and try it for myself. The boring adults {me included} relegated themselves to just watching the whole spectacle and taking pictures. I envied these kids. I know its wishful thinking but there are times that I wish I could be like them again. Fragile. Innocent. Genuine. Clear as a 7-11 bottled water. I looked at one of the kids in the bubbles and he was having the time of his life. 20 minutes of pure prepubescent bliss. I wanted to try it. I bet that I would've if I were stoned or drunk or whatnot. Still, there lies an obvious difference between us. When the 20 minutes was over, they were let out of the bubbles and they were still kids - fragile, innocent, genuine and clear as a 7-11 bottled water. But I bet my balls that when my twenty minutes was over, I'd still be one drunk/stoned grown man trying to relive and / or make up for his lost childhood.
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