Wednesday, April 26

Confessions of an Early Riser Part 2

7.19 am Beijing time

Elton John is singing right now in my room. "It's a little bit funny..."

I'm smoking my first fag of the day and drinking my first dose of caffeine. My usual shower meditation was uneventful. Jesus kept staring at me while I was trying to reflect on the things that happened last night. And like the steam in my bathroom, my reflection of last night was rather hazy, unclear. I'm still kind of numb about last night. Last night was, I should say, highly surreal. Surreal, but nice. "My LIFE is brilliant...", says James Blunt right now. I would beg to disagree but I can't argue with James right now. I'm way too focused on trying to figure out how to finish this prose then go move on to something more mundane - my work, for example. "But it's time to face the truth..." Meatloaf would have been much a better companion this morning, but the circumstances don't seem to permit me. I feel like Forrest Gump sometimes - only that he's kind of misplaced like in a Twilight Zone.

I remember Shaz telling me about a scene in Wong Kar Wai's 2046 where Toney Leung's character told Faye Wong's character what he thinks about time, circumstance and the right and wrong opportunities. Somehow, even after 2 days, I still can't get it out of my head. Diana Krall is telling me this right now "I could drink a case of you, a case of you, darling... and still be on my feet. I'd still be on my feet."

My sleep was good, albeit only 3 hours. All thanks to someone who tried fighting sleep just to talk to me. Tracy Chapman is singing now... I don't know what to write next.

All I can think ofis Elton John's last words in his song - "How wonderful life is..." I guess Elton's right - "How wonderful Life is"


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