just read the signboard, and you'll get my drift.
mad about chips!
jenya relaxing
Omar relaxing
can ya do this? huh? huh? huh? can ya? can ya? CAN YA!?!?!?!?!?!
ok i admit, the last comment was a wee bit retarded. but it was really kewl being strapped in one of these things. waaaaay better than the missionary position, i tell you.
paying homage to one dead chinese dude{tte}.
no smoking in public nature reserves. my bad, i know. i wont do it again.
russian gladiator{sky}. was too chicken shit of a wuss to try it.
le public toilet. this is how we do it here in the noodle kingdom.
bambi's bottom. this ain't disney no more, folks.
with bambi's bottom i bid farewell folks. its been fun, wanted to upload more pics but i don't have enough diskspace in my account to upload more pictures of digital in nature. sigh, the plight of free accounts.